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Pokémon Weakness Chart – Counter Every Type!

My battles had eased up significantly as I could rely on the Pokémon Weakness Chart. Now it had become easier for me to know which ones will take down which due to this chart. Therefore, the chart is quite relieving if you fail or don’t win any fights often.

The Pokémon Weakness Chart reveals which types of Pokémon are strong or weak against others in Pokémon Go. It will allow you to choose the right Pokémon for battles. It will make you a better player and help you win more by using this chart.

Stay tuned with us as we discover the Pokémon Weakness Chart! We will guide you through its usage so you can win more battles as well as provide some good tips for you. The cool tricks won’t pass you by!

Pokémon Types Explained – Key to Winning Every Battle!

Types of Pokémon 

There are 18 elemental types in Pokémon, each of which represents a particular attribute, such as Fire, Water, Electric, Psychic, and many more. Each species of Pokémon has one or two types that affect both its attacking and defensive abilities. Types play a very crucial role in determining the power of a move in battle. For instance, Fire-type moves are effective against Grass-types but weak against Water-types.

The Importance of Types in Pokémon Battles

Types dictate how much damage one Pokémon’s attack will do to another. The key concepts to understand are:

  • Super Effective: A move that deals 2x damage to a Pokémon of a particular type.
  • Not Very Effective: A move that deals 0.5x damage.
  • Neutral Damage: A move that deals 1x damage to a Pokémon.

Additionally, Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) is a critical factor. When a Pokémon uses a move that matches its type, it receives a STAB boost, causing the attack to deal 1.2x damage. For example, Flamethrower used by a Fire-type Pokémon will deal extra damage compared to a non-Fire-type using the same move.

Pokémon Weakness Chart Explained – Your Key to Battle Victory!

Interactive Pokémon Weakness Chart

TypeStrong AgainstWeak AgainstResistant ToVulnerable To
BugGrass, Dark, PsychicFire, Flying, RockFighting, GroundFlying, Rock, Fire
FireBug, Grass, Ice, SteelGround, Rock, WaterBug, Steel, FireGround, Water, Rock
WaterFire, Ground, RockElectric, GrassSteel, WaterGrass, Electric
ElectricFlying, WaterGround, Dragon, ElectricFlying, SteelGround
GroundPoison, Rock, Steel, Fire, ElectricFlying, Bug, GrassPoison, Rock, ElectricWater, Grass, Ice
FightingDark, Ice, Normal, Rock, SteelFairy, Flying, Psychic, Bug, GhostRock, Bug, DarkFlying, Psychic, Fairy
FlyingBug, Fighting, GrassElectric, Ice, RockFighting, Ground, Bug, GrassRock, Electric, Ice
PoisonFairy, GrassGround, Psychic, Rock, Steel, PoisonFighting, Poison, Grass, FairyGround, Psychic
PsychicFighting, PoisonBug, Dark, GhostFighting, PsychicBug, Ghost, Dark
DragonDragonFairy, IceFire, Water, Grass, ElectricIce, Dragon, Fairy

This chart provides a simplified reference to quickly assess the matchups between different types. However, keep in mind that dual-type Pokémon can complicate these interactions, as they may have strengths and weaknesses from both of their types.

Pokémon Weakness Chart Explained – Your Key to Battle Victory!
source: quora

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Pokémon Type Effectiveness – The Key to Winning in Pokémon!

Understanding Type Multipliers

Type effectiveness in Pokémon is governed by multipliers that influence the amount of damage dealt during a battle. Here’s how they work:

  • Doubly Effective (2.56x damage): A Pokémon of one type hits a dual-type Pokémon that is weak to both the attacking type and another type. For example, Fire moves against Bug/Grass type Pokémon.
  • Super Effective (1.6x damage): A Pokémon hits a type it has an advantage over. For example, Fire against Grass.
  • Neutral Damage (1.0x): The attack does normal damage when neither Pokémon has an advantage.
  • Not Very Effective (0.625x damage): The attack has reduced effectiveness against certain types, like Fire against Water.
  • Immunity (0.39x damage): Some types are completely immune to certain attacks, such as Ghost against Normal or Fairy against Dragon in Pokémon Go.

Example of a multiplier in action: If a Fire-type move hits a Grass-type Pokémon, the damage is increased due to the Fire vs. Grass advantage. However, if the same Fire-type move hits a Water-type, the damage is reduced because Fire is weak to Water.

Countering the Top Types – A Quick Guide To pokemon weakness chart!

Maximize your battle efficiency inpokemon go weakness chart by understanding how to counter the most common types. Dragon-type is highly powerful with its high CP and moves, but it is easy to counter using Ice, Fairy, and even other Dragon-type Pokémon. The Fairy-type is strong against Fighting, Dark, and Dragon-type but weak against Poison and Steel moves.

Steel-types are immune to most attacks and powerful against Rock and Ice, but they have a weakness against Fight, Fire, and Ground-type attacks. However, Fire-types can deal significant damage against Bug, Steel, Grass, or Ice, but they have a weakness against Water, Ground, and Rock-type moves. Lastly, Ghost-types are powerful against other Ghost-types and Psychic-types, but they are weak to Dark and Ghost-type moves. Knowing these strength and weakness points allows a player to choose the right countertactics in his battles and maximize his chances to win.

Countering the Top Pokémon Types – A Quick Guide!
source: polygon

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Dual-Type Pokémon – Master Pokémon Strengths and pokemon weakness chart!

Such is the case of dual-type Pokémon, where strengths outweigh weaknesses. Charizard would be a perfect example with his being classified as Fire/Flying-type, thus having the powers to dominate Bug and Grass but getting defeated by water and electric types. Here, the art of effective using dual-type Pokémon is at the use of its advantages and the minimizing of weaknesses. You can overcome dual-type Pokémon by exploiting their weaknesses or using moves that aren’t affected by type advantages. For instance, Charizard (Fire/Flying) is a good Pokémon against Bug and Grass but weak to Water and Electric. Gyarados (Water/Flying) is a good Pokémon against Fire and Ground but weak to Electric. Zygarde (Dragon/Ground) is a good Pokémon against Fire but weak to Ice and Dragon.

Unlock Advanced Type Effectiveness Strategies!

Using Type Effectiveness in Competitive Play

In PvP, sometimes type effectiveness can be what wins the battle. During battles in Pokémon Go, always be prepared to switch the Pokémon based on the opponent’s type. For example, if your opponent sends out a Dragon-type, switch to an Ice-type for maximum damage.

This is one of the crucial aspects of success in the Great League, Ultra League, and Master League for PvP battles.

Unlock Advanced Type Effectiveness Strategies!
Source: thegamer

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How to Build a Balanced Pokémon Team

A well-balanced Pokémon team must have all the types so that any situation can be countered. For example, at least one Fire, Water, Electric, and Fighting-type Pokémon should be in your team.

Having a balanced team will make you face any type matchup while keeping your team versatile and strong.

Pokémon Raid Strategy – Pokémon Weaknesses and Resistances!

Optimizing Your Raid Team

You will encounter different bosses that you have to prepare for when having raid battles. For each boss, you should know which Pokémon to use for the right counter. Take Mewtwo as a Psychic-type; for a counter, you have Dark, Ghost, or Bug types. If it’s Rayquaza, it is a Dragon/Flying-type, so try to use Ice, Fairy, or Dragon types. The key to winning raids is to maximize your damage, so bring Pokémon with a type advantage over the raid boss and capable of dealing the most damage. This strategy will make the bosses fall faster.

Pokémon Type Weaknesses in Various Pokémon Games

Type Immunities

The main series adds a strategy to the battles by the fact that there are types that are absolutely immune to others, for example Ghost is immune to Normal.
In Pokémon Go, all immunities disappear and other resistances will occur: for example, Fairy can resist Dragon, but won’t block him fully.
Battle System

The main series games use turn-based battles where the players switch Pokémon and plan their moves. Pokémon Go has real-time battles, especially in PvP, where players use 3 Pokémon and make quick decisions during the fight.

STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus)

Both games use STAB, which increases move power when the Pokémon have a matching type. Within Pokémon Go, the adjustment for the STAB multiplier allows for faster, on-the-go gameplay, enabling the player to learn how to apply it more speedily.

Raid Battles

In the main series games, battles are turn-based, and players can switch Pokémon during fights. Pokémon Go focuses on real-time raids where players must choose Pokémon with type advantages to deal the most damage in a limited time.

Strategy Complexity

The main series games are much more complex, involving held items, abilities, and special moves. Pokémon Go is much simpler, focusing more on type matchups and quicker decisions, which makes it more suited to mobile play.

Team Management

In the main series, players can hold up to 6 Pokémon and switch during battles. In Pokémon Go, the player uses 3 Pokémon for PvP and raids and focuses on the best type matchups for quick strategies.

This comparison indicates that Pokémon Go offers a more simplified, faster experience for mobile players, whereas the main series games are more in-depth, turn-based strategies.

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FAQs About Pokémon Weakness Chart

What is the Pokémon Weakness Chart for Violet?

The Pokémon Weakness Chart for Violet shows type effectiveness in battles, similar to other Pokémon games.

How can I use the Pokémon Weakness Calculator?

The Pokémon Weakness Calculator helps identify which moves are strong or weak against a Pokémon based on its type.

Where can I find the Pokémon Type Chart?

The Pokémon Type Chart is available in this article and also on official Pokémon websites or fan resources like Bulbapedia.

What is the Pokémon Go Weakness Chart?

The Pokémon Go Weakness Chart shows type effectiveness for battles in Pokémon Go.

Where can I find the Pokémon Weakness Chart Wiki?

The Pokémon Weakness Chart Wiki can be found on platforms like Fandom or Bulbapedia.

How do I use the Pokémon Type Calculator?

The Pokémon Type Calculator helps find the strengths and weaknesses of Pokémon types in battle.

Where can I find a comprehensive Pokémon Chart?

A comprehensive Pokémon chart can be found on official Pokémon sites or fan sites like Bulbapedia.

What is the easiest Pokémon Weakness Chart to understand?

The easiest Pokémon Weakness Chart is often a simplified version found on beginner guides or apps.

What is the most effective Pokémon type in Pokémon Go?

The most effective type depends on the current meta, but Dragon, Fairy, and Steel types are consistently strong.

How do I use type effectiveness in PvP battles?

Always switch Pokémon to counter your opponent’s type, and make sure your Pokémon’s moves are optimized for maximum effectiveness.

How can I counter Dragon-types?

Use Ice, Fairy, or Dragon types to deal extra damage to Dragon-types.

What is the best Pokémon team for raiding?

A balanced team with Ice, Steel, Fairy, and Dragon types will give you the best counters for most raid bosses.

What is the Pokémon weakness chart for Violet?

The pokemon go weakness chart for Violet shows how different types interact, helping players plan effective battle strategies.

How can I use a Pokémon weakness calculator?

A Pokémon weakness calculator helps determine how much damage a move will deal based on the attacking and defending Pokémon’s types.

What does the Pokémon type chart show?

The Pokémon type chart displays type strengths and weaknesses, showing which types are strong or weak against others in battles.

What is included in the Pokémon weakness chart?

The Pokémon weakness chart provides detailed information about type interactions across various Pokémon games and generations.

How do I use a Pokémon type calculator?

A Pokémon type calculator allows you to input your Pokémon’s type and calculate the effectiveness of your move against an opponent.

Where can I find an easy Pokémon weakness chart?

An easy Pokémon weakness chart is available in this article and also can be found online, offering a simple guide to type interactions for quick reference.


Mastering this pokemon weakness chart is really important in anyone’s plan to move at the highest level on pokemon go weakness chart. It will get the player well aware of complex interactions that exist within these types to build the strongest team to counter those players and lead to successful outcomes in battles, from PvPs and raids to general battles against wild or opponent trainers’ Pokémon.

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